2020 Ends, 2021 Begins

I am not the first one to say it and I will not be the last-2020 has been a unique year. For some of our clients, that has been a good thing. Judges have been more generous is granting lower bail, clients who needed a continuance to finish taking care of personal issues have been able to get them, and prosecutors have been more generous in negotiating plea deals.

However, for some of our clients, particularly those who need to have their case tried, it has been more difficult because of the postponement of jury trials. Mike, who usually has dozens of trials each year, only had 5 trials this year. Tim was lucky enough to try a case in February before the shut downs, but that was his only trial of the year.

Waiting indefinitely for a trial date that gets pushed back over and over again is frustrating. We cannot wait to get back to normal; not just for ourselves, but most importantly for our clients. We hope 2021 will finally bring an end to that frustration.

What else can you expect from our firm in 2021? As you can see, we now have a website and we hope to implement more social media as the year goes on. Also, we expect you will see us on TV a time or two, so keep your eyes peeled. For Tim, he will be expanding his practice to include some family law and estate planning (he’s not named Wills for nothing). Last, but definitely not least, you should expect us to keep doing what we have always done-defending our clients with everything that we have.